Kamis, 03 Desember 2009

stand by u

Stand By U

Since the day you left without a word of goodbye
I feel that the scenery around me has changed.
The promise I made
that I would become your everything
and the incomplete memories
have also changed.

When you were crying by yourself back then,
if only had I run to you
you would still be by my side.
If I was given one more chance,
I would tell you once again
that I love you.
But the words that contain my overflowing feelings
cannot reach you anymore.

Where are you now?
Who are you with?
What kind of clothes are you wearing?
What are you doing and laughing at?
I am right here.
Even now, I am right here.
And I still believe that we will see each other again.

This feeling won't change
You're the only one I'm thinking of.

Just once more,
I want you to stand at my back with your tied hair
asking me "Guess who it is~~~"
and expecting me to say out your name.
Just the two of us being silly like that day by day.

I can't forget you,
But the truth is, I don't want to forget you.
I can't feel even a bit of happiness
because you're not by my side.
No matter how hard I try,
I'll end up crying
and my tears just won't stop.

Where are you now?
Who are you with?
What kind of clothes are you wearing?
What are you doing and laughing at?
I am right here.
Even now, I am right here.
I still believe that we will see each other again.

Therefore, I am right here
singing the song by myself.
Even though I don't have any reason to embrace this pain anymore,
I can't help doing it.

Even if I know that the days
when you were by my side making my world shine
won't come back again,
and no matter what will happen,
no matter how far I'm lost,
I never ever want to forget that my heart has chosen to love you.

No matter where you are,
no matter who you are with,
no matter what kind of dream you are dreaming of,
or what you are doing and laughing at,
I will be here forever.
Even now, I am right here,
believing in a day that we will meet again.

This feeling won't change,
you are the only one I'm thinking of.
This feeling won't change,
you are the only one I'm thinking of.

my favourite boyband


TVXQ adalah kelompok boy band bentukan SM Entertainment. Kelima anggotanya mendalami tari, akting, acappella, dan musik pop dengan warna R&B. TVXQ adalah singkatan dari nama kelompok ini dalam bahasa Tionghoa, Tong Vfang Xien Qi. Di Korea, mereka disebut sebagai Dong Bang Shin Ki (disingkat DBSG atau DBSK), sedangkan di Jepang disebut Tohoshinki (東方神起). Penamaan grup ini dalam 3 bahasa semuanya berarti "dewa yang muncul dari Timur".


(U-Know) Yunho (leader)

Nama panggung: U-KNOW - U-Know Yun Ho (유노윤호 atau 瑜卤允浩)
Nama asli: Jung Yun Ho (정윤호, 鄭允浩)
Tempat, tanggal lahir: Gwangju, 6 Februari 1986 (umur 23)
Tinggi badan: 184 cm
Max Changmin

Nama panggung: MAX - Choi Kang Chang Min (최강창민 atau 最强昌珉)
 Nama asli: Shim Chang Min (심창민, 沈昌珉)
Tempat, tanggal lahir: Seoul, 18 Februari 1988 (umur 21)
Tinggi badan: 190 cm

segitu aja dulu ya......


Kamis, 26 November 2009

Blog baru....\^o^/

akhirnya dae punya blog yg bner jg, fiuh.. =') emang c nie blog tgas, tpi sneng deh... stelah skian lama pengen punya akhirnya terkabulkn jg, khukhukhu... dulu c dah smpat punya di W**DP***S, tp berhbung dlu saya gaptek jdi ga bisa ngutak-ngatiknya,,,,T.T ya sudah deh terpaksa saya abaikan.....
oh ya,  makasih bwt teman sebangku ku yang sdh ngbantu bkin blog... huhu jd terharu.....=')

oh iya ngomong-ngomong.....

